We are pleased to announce Shana Fasick has stepped into an added role related to our Quality Control efforts, Quality Program Coordinator (this actually transpired in Fall 2017 but we’ve been tardy announcing this good news!). Shana will be assisting Angie, Kelly and John in our efforts to maintain our certifications and overall quality program efforts. This primarily relates to our AISC Fabricator Certification and our efforts to maintain such; this will see Shana have more involvement and ownership in our QC efforts as well as her continued education and participation with AISC (such as the annual steel conference). We look forward to yet more great things form Shana; she already excels as Project Coordinator and this added role cements Shana as of our best and brightest leaders in the company. Thank you Shana!

Shana FasickAsian-Tropics-Denver-Zoo,-Denver-CO-8